Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jabbering Joe Biden’s Taxation Gaffe

Senator Joe Biden has stuck his foot in his mouth again. Wow! Last time he was attacking Governor Palin’s VP-qualifying experience, which happens to exceed his and Senator Barack Obama’s (B.O.) executive experience combined. Those attacks created a tsunami of publicity and sympathy for Governor Palin. This time he is comparing patriotism to paying more taxes. This guy is a laugh riot!

In any election, it supposed to be secret that taxes are going up to pay for all the stuff that was promised. However, all candidates for public office feel obliged to speak out against wasteful spending. Earmarks are also a no, no. However, earlier today, Jabbering Joe Biden indicated that it was time for the wealthy in America to be patriotic and pay more taxes. He didn't define what he meant by the term wealthy. Doesn’t he understand that his words will be heard and read around the country? Think of the advertisements suggesting that the Democrat Party thinks paying taxes is patriotic...

The taxation gaffe could eliminate any opportunity that he and B.O. may have had of winning the election. Yes, I already called the Presidential election for the Repubicans, but I’m amazed that the Democrat party is continuing to do everything possible to lose the election. Biden is out in front saying every possible to hand silver bullets to the McCain campaign. Don’t say taxes are going up! Hillary Clinton must be laughing at the sheer stupidity...

I really hate to say this but there is only one way for B.O. to win… he has to dump Jabbering Joe Biden. (Ok, I won’t tell them who to replace him with, but everybody already knows that.) After Jabbering Joe’s latest gaffe, can’t you just imagine Michelle Obama saying to B.O., “We aren’t moving into the White House with that blabbermouth on your ticket… He just can’t keep a secret! ”


Olivejenny said...

FAQ Editor,

OMG! This is so funny! I had a 'total meltdown' myself today after looking at the Obama/Biden economic plan on their website!

I have a (very popular) section on my website where I display campaign emails from both candidates so people can compare them ... it's a hoot! Plus, I usually don't even have to comment ... the difference is glaringly obvious.

Well, the latest one I posted had Obama's message of how he'll fix the economy! Ridiculous! Lol, I commented. (Yikes!)

Obama's basic plan for all the problems we have: The government will pay for it and the government will make all the decisions!

And now this is toooooooo funny with Biden! OMG! I can't wait for the debates!

The Vegas Art Guy said...

When he said that I had to stifle my reaction of WTF? because my kids were in the room. Patriotic by paying more taxes? Then why the f*** did we rebel from England in the first place? After all they wanted US to be patriotic and pay more TAXES, but maybe that little nugget was lost on The Gaffinator.


Dr. David A. Wagner, Ph.D. said...

Yes, Biden has totally blown it by suggesting that the act of paying taxes is somehow linked to patriotism. There are many poor and disadvantaged individuals who pay little or no Federal Income Tax. Are they somehow less patriotic than the rest of us? No, of course not!